My great grandfather boarded a ship in the late 1800’s and crossed the ocean. He sailed from Europe to America in search of a better life.
Several generations later a number of his descendents have boarded planes and moved back to Europe, also in search of a better life.
What lies beyond the ocean has always fascinated us. We expect a better life than the one we leave- it will be better “over-there” and while this may be true in some cases I suspect that in the majority of instances there is little to no change other than geography. The old saying still holds true- wherever you go there you are.
I don’t know how much my great grandfather’s life really changed- certainly his children and his children’s children have found what he sought, but I don’t know that he did.
If I truly want change when I move to France I will need to not only change the landscape but I will also need to reassess what is happening within me. Complacency is the kiss of death to meaningful change.
This is a great post. And so very true. "whereever you go - there you are"...LOVE IT!!!
Well spoken and oh, so true. I have been across the oceans a number of times and its amazing that the people and lifestyles over there are much like we have here... - truly, home is where you make it...
so much is the same wherever you go, so much is also different. It depends so much on expectations and attitude too.
"If you always do what you always did- you always get what you always got."
Change is essential for a fulfilling life. France sounds like a wonderful start. Lot's of luck :)
funny, we use the ocean to get us to the other side, to change...but change happens no matter what doesn't it?
I like your complacency sentence, something to ponder.
Nice post. I couldn't agree with you more.
Good luck to you when you cross your ocean.
"Complacency is the kiss of death to meaningful change."
How apt. We have to keep our minds to accept what we see and think is right.
a wonderful criss-crossing of lives, and great reflective wisdom in your post.
Love it. I love "the old saying still holds true- wherever you go there you are." Good luck on your journey.
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