I had this same question early on and still do upon occasion, I think I may have even written about it. One of the things that made me nervous was the question, "what would I do with my days if I didn't work?" The question bothered me but I could never understand why until it hit me. If I don't have to be someplace would I not know what to do? I think the answer to that is yes, which is sad. I think the majority of people would be at a loss as to what they should do if they no longer had to work. Sure the first few weeks would be fun but what about after that? I'm not 100% certain about the numbers of this, but don't the vast majority of men die soon after their retirement? Granted they are old and old people do that well, but I think they also no longer have direction or purpose after they stop working- maybe their wives kill them, who knows.
I hope to fill my days with things that are more worthwhile than a job that never sparked my imagination to begin with. I'd like to study French, European history, travel to other countries(cheaply), read all day, wander aimlessly, ride a bicycle to the library. Surely we could all find something more worthwhile to do for 8 hours each day then work a crap job.
As for how we are financially doing it, it will be tight. We've saved for it, had the original rental house which we sold recently, and the sale of our residence. It is definitely a reckless, irresponsible financial move- but this was never a money making venture, it's a quality of life issue. I will also have a paypal donation option which I expect Penny to contribute her college fund to (just kidding).
when you dont 'work' you'd be surprised how fast time goes by. a 9-5 job makes the day drag on. when you have time to let your soul have space, it finds all kinds of things to do! I dont have time to 'work' cause my day is filled with living.
you guys sound like you have tons to do...I'm not sure I have ever felt this interested and happy for two complete strangers and a cat!
hello...! please read "The truce" (La Tregua) Mario Benedetti´s great story in which he shows this same disquietude....I hope it is the english version...
*panicked dear eyes in headlights*
...I'm supposed to have a college fund?!
I'm pretty sure there's got to be a gay porn shop looking for a straight clerk somewhere in Paris.
There is ALWAYS a gay porn shop looking for a straight clerk. This, I believe, is the only think that life has taught me to date.
Penny- yes you need a college fund-We may need to sell you cat for medical experiments...or better yet Zach!
I have decided to start bolstering my comment numbers by making mostof the comments myself. Yes,yes this will work for me
For some reason, I thought you had already left for France.
As far as being reckless and irresponsible, that's how I live my life! No house, no nuthin.
"By the seat of our pants," that's our motto.
Doing that in Paris sounds awesome!
Except you have a savings, so you're way ahead of us. ;)
If you're not working Paris will be a wonderful place to be. Studying French as you say - pretty essential and will take up plenty of time, then there's all those galleries, museums etc. You can write and paint and all so many things that are as you say better than a job you don't love in the first place! I don't think you'll have any problems!
I lived in Paris for 6 months while in college. I had classes but couldn't believe how fast the time passed. Paris is endlessly fascinating. I could just walk all day looking around. If you ever get bored, there is the rest of Europe just a short train ride away. I'd recommend Brussels.
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